Ash Wednesday::Season of lent

ashwednesday-graphicAsh Wednesday is the beginning of the season of Lent, time carved out in the church calendar to consider and reflect on the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ on behalf of all creation. For centuries the Church has practiced the observance of Lent. It has been a time to practice and observe repentance, identify with Jesus in suffering, and deepening our understanding and thankfulness for the reconciliation, restoration and redemption found at the Cross.

Traditionally Ash Wednesday is observed by a full fast, then 40 days (minus Sunday’s) of fasting. During this time we use the discomfort that comes with the Fast to, in a very mild way, participate in the suffering of Jesus and grow in our recognition of what he did on our behalf. You will notice that there are more than 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter. While this is certainly a time of reflection and contemplation, there is also an element of celebration. Therefore each Sunday the Church would gather the fast would be lifted as to not hinder the activity and celebration by the church body.

Lent is a beautiful time in the life of the believer. It is a time that can help us grow in our relationship with the Lord, and with each other. Part of our commitment as a church KALEO Communities will be observing Lent. We will be joining Bread & Wine, another local church, in observing Ash Wednesday. You can join us as we move into this magnificent season of the Church year.

Ash Wednesday February 10, 7pm Warner Pacific University.

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